Our item availability!
Hi everyone!
Did you know alongside our range of items found both online and on our ebay site we offer additional products to order on site?
Using the email and phone contact details below we will be happy to assist with your needs whether this is regarding our range of tube clamps, handrails, PVC and ABS plastics or anything in between our friendly and professional staff will be happy to help!
Alternatively you can message us right here on facebook and we will get back to you as soon as possible 

Feel Free to visit our website – https://proteusfittings.co.uk/
For a free quote, or for any further information on our products or services please don’t hesitate to either contact us on 01246 211303 or email us on info@proteusfittings.co.uk and one of our friendly team will be happy to assist further.
Thankyou from the Proteus fittings team for choosing us!